- behind the brand
Mana - is the energy of life and healing power in ancient cultures as well as for the Israeli people exited from Egypt as denoted in the bible. Nowadays it’s also used in computer games for the player's health
The “M” is an homage to the famous NASA “N” to signify our space shuttle analogy. We design lipid-nanoparticles (LNP), our space shuttle, that delivers genetic payloads like RNA to specific cells within the body
The middle of our “a” shows a perfect circle, which hints at the circular shape of real LNP structure
The ‘ab’ transfection hints at a successful materials transfer into a cell
Perfect circle inside for the LNP shape
The diagonal line hinting code
The two lines hint equation represent math and engineering work that we do here
The shape of each line hints a pharmaceutical drug shape
Microscope photo blue background
Bringing our brand to life, a real photo of Mana AI-based LNP’s as captured under a microscope